19 changed files with 514 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
import argparse,os |
arguments=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="GeoBC unzipper/sorter/renamer") |
arguments.add_argument("required", help="Required elements", nargs="*") #nargs=number of arguments |
arguments.add_argument("-o", help="Optional elements") |
arguments.add_argument("--alternate", help="This is supposedly a flag", action="store_true") |
arguments.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="Which files to process instead") |
#Don't forget to pass the arguments into another variable |
test=arguments.parse_args() |
print(test.required) |
if test.o: |
print(test.o) |
if test.alternate: |
print(test.alternate) |
if test.file: |
print(test.file) |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
def deco(func): |
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): |
func(*args, **kwargs) |
wrapper.count+=1 |
wrapper.count=0 |
return wrapper |
def deco2(func): |
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): |
print(args) |
def fname(*args): |
print('args',args) |
return fname |
@deco2 |
def fname(arg): |
print(arg) |
@deco |
def main(arg): |
print(arg) |
for item in range(3): |
main(item) |
print('count', main.count) |
fname('test') |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
from random import randint |
#this is the decorator |
def decor(func): #takes a function as an argument |
def x(z): # z = arguments passed from function that was decorated |
print('now with decoration') #extra shit from the decorator |
func(z) #run that function |
return x #return the decorator function |
@decor #invoke the decorator |
def z(number): |
print(number) |
z(3) |
#this is the functional equivalent |
def decor2(func): |
def x(z): |
print('also with decoration') |
func(z) |
return x |
def q(number): |
print(number) |
zz=decor2(q) |
zz(3) |
##another example |
@decor |
def othershite(thing): |
x=randint(1,100) |
print(f'here is some other shite and a random number({x}) plus {thing}') |
othershite('piztak') |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
#import numpy as np |
#import time |
import math |
from math import tan as qe |
def deco(func): |
def wrapper(y): |
ang = y *2 *math.pi/360 |
return func(ang) |
return wrapper #You need two returns! So confusing! |
def test(number): |
return number |
@deco |
def test2(number): |
return number |
print('undecorated') |
print(test(45)) |
print('decorated') |
print(test2(45)) |
print('math.tan') |
print(qe(45)) |
print('math.tan decorated') |
test3=deco(qe) |
print(type(test3)) |
print(test3(45)) |
print(math.tan(45)) |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
#! /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3 |
import smtplib |
from email.message import EmailMessage as Em |
# |
import requests |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs |
def emailer(usr, pwd, mailserv, port, msg): |
server = smtplib.SMTP(mailserv, port) |
server.ehlo() |
server.starttls() |
server.ehlo() |
server.login(usr,pwd) |
server.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string()) |
server.close() |
def tester(url): |
try: |
s=requests.Session() |
checker=s.get(url) |
if not checker.ok: |
returncode = checker.status_code |
#returns integer of server status code |
print(returncode) |
soup = bs(page.text, 'html.parser') |
if returncode != 200 and str(returncode).startswith('2'): |
content = '{} returned status which is not code 200 (OK): {}'.format(URL, returncode) |
elif str(returncode).startswith('3'): |
content = '{} returned a redirect status: {}/'.format(URL, returncode) |
elif str(returncode).startswith('4'): |
content = '{} returned a not found status: {}.'.format(URL, returncode) |
elif str(returncode).startswith('5'): |
content = '{} returned an internal error: {}.'.format(URL, returncode) |
elif str(soup.title) != titletest: |
content = '{} title string has changed. Possible hacking attempt.'.format(URL) |
else: |
content = 'OK' |
return content |
except: |
content = 'Server {} appears to be down.'.format(URL) |
return content |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
USER = 'user@example.invalid' |
PASS = 'passwordabc123notreally' |
MAILSERVER = 'smtp.example.invalid' |
PORT = 587 |
URL='https://example.invalid' |
message = Em() |
message['Subject'] = '{} status warning'.format(URL) |
message['From'] = user |
message['To'] = 'recipient1@example.invalid, recipient2@example.invalid' |
titletest='<title>Website Title</title>' |
try: |
content=tester(URL) |
except: |
content = 'Server {} appears to be down.'.format(URL) |
#pass |
message.set_content(content) |
if content !='OK': |
emailer(USER, PASS, MAILSERVER, PORT, message) |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
import requests as r |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs |
import pypub |
import os |
#page = r.get('') |
#pagetext=page.text |
#cleanpage=pypub.clean( pagetext ) |
book= pypub.Epub('Book Title', creator="Robert E Howard", publisher='Project Gutenberg Australia') |
#xchapterone = pypub.ChapterFactory(cleanpage) |
z= pypub.create_chapter_from_url('') |
book.add_chapter(z) |
book.create_epub( os.getcwd() ) |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
class _GetCh: |
def __init__(self): |
try: |
self.impl = _GetChWindows() |
except ImportError: |
try: |
self.impl = _GetChMacCarbon() |
except ImportError: |
self.impl = _GetChUnix() |
def __call__(self): |
return self.impl() |
class _GetChWindows: |
def __init__(self): |
import msvcrt |
def __call__(self): |
import msvcrt |
if msvcrt.kbhit(): |
while msvcrt.kbhit(): |
ch = msvcrt.getch() |
while ch in b'\x00\xe0': |
msvcrt.getch() |
ch = msvcrt.getch() |
return ord( ch.decode() ) |
else: |
return -1 |
class _GetChMacCarbon: |
def __init__(self): |
import Carbon |
Carbon.Evt |
def __call__(self): |
import Carbon |
if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0]==0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask |
return "" |
else: |
(what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1] |
return msg & 0x000000FF |
class _GetChUnix: |
def __init__(self): |
import tty, sys, termios # import termios now or else you'll get the Unix |
# version on the Mac |
def __call__(self): |
import sys, tty, termios |
fd = sys.stdin.fileno() |
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) |
try: |
tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) |
ch = |
finally: |
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) |
return ord(ch) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
InKey = _GetCh() |
print( "Press Ctrl-C to exit" ) |
c = InKey() |
while c != 3: |
if c >= 0: |
print( c ) |
c = InKey() |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
import requests |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
import urllib.parse |
''' From''' |
if __name__=="__main__": |
s=requests.Session() |
link="http://example.invalid/wp-login" |
initial=s.get(link) |
login_data={"log":"individual@example.invalid","pwd":"passwordgoeshere",'rememberme':'forever','redirect_to':'http://example.invalid/dash/', 'redirect_to_automatic': '1'} |
|, data=login_data) |
print(page_login) |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
hostname="smtp.example.invalid" |
portno=465 |
username='user@example.invalid' |
password='' |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
import smtplib |
from mailinfo import * |
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart |
from email.mime.text import MIMEText |
print(username, hostname, portno) |
server=smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host=hostname,port=portno) |
server.set_debuglevel(1) |
#server.starttls() |
server.ehlo() |
server.login(username,password) |
message=MIMEMultipart() |
message['From']=username |
message['To']='' |
message['Subject']="I can python" |
body="Sending a text message via command script." |
message.attach(MIMEText(body,'plain')) |
server.send_message(message) |
server.quit() |
''' |
Bell: [10-digit phone number] |
Chatr: [10-digit phone number] (rogers was PCS, now SMS) |
Eastlink: [10-digit phone number] |
Fido: [10-digit phone number] |
Freedom: [10-digit phone number] |
Koodo Mobile: [10-digit phone number] |
MTS: [10-digit phone number] |
PC Mobile: [10-digit phone number] |
Public Mobile: [10-digit phone number] |
Rogers: [10-digit phone number] |
Sasktel: [10-digit phone number] |
Solo Mobile: [10-digit phone number] |
TBayTel: [10-digit phone number] |
TELUS: [10-digit phone number] |
Virgin Mobile: [10-digit phone number] |
''' |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
from sys import argv |
import codecs |
name, codec=argv |
#f ="example.html", 'r', 'cp1140') |
f ="example.html", 'r', codec) |
u = # now the contents have been transformed to a Unicode string |
out ="example_u.html", 'w', 'utf-8') |
out.write(u) # and now the contents have been output as UTF-8 |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
import model, view |
class Controller(object): |
"""docstring for Controller.""" |
def __init__(self, model, view): |
super(Controller, self).__init__() |
self.model = model |
self.view = view |
def update(self, *args): |
self.model.added(*args) |
self.view.updated(args) |
def expunge(self, *args): |
self.model.removed(*args) |
self.view.deleted(list(args)) |
def display(self): |
self.view.displayed(self.model.var) |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
class Model(object): |
"""docstring for Model.""" |
def __init__(self, *args): |
self.var = list(args) |
def added(self, *args): |
self.var = self.var+ list(args) |
def removed(self, *args): |
for item in args: |
self.var.remove(item) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
x=Model('paulasda') |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
import model, view, controller |
bp=['alpha', 'gamma', 'Deutschland', 'failure'] |
v=view.View() |
m=model.Model('initial','population') |
c=controller.Controller(m,v) |
c.update(bp) |
c.expunge(bp) |
c.update('This', 'works') |
c.display() |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
class View(object): |
"""docstring for View.""" |
__instance = None |
def __init__(self): |
super(View, self).__init__() |
if View.__instance !=None: |
raise Exception('not a thing') |
else: |
View.__instance = self |
@staticmethod |
def updated(ls): |
print(f'added {list(*ls)}') |
@staticmethod |
def deleted(ls): |
print(f'deleted {list(ls)}') |
@staticmethod |
def displayed(ls): |
print(f'contents {list(ls)}') |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
import svgwrite |
from svgwrite import cm,mm |
from math import cos,sin,pi |
''' |
| |
''' |
drawring = svgwrite.Drawing('test.svg', profile='tiny', size=('30cm', '30cm'), viewBox=('0 0 30 30')) |
''' You need size and viewBox. Why I don't know, also formatting is insane''' |
def polycoord(sides,radius,cenx=0,ceny=0,unit='cm',angle=0, *args, **kwargs): |
x=[] |
y=[] |
for n in range(sides): |
x.append( str((radius *cos(2*pi*n/sides + 2*pi*angle) + cenx))) |
y.append( str((radius *sin(2*pi*n/sides + 2*pi*angle) + ceny))) |
z=list(zip(x,y)) |
return z |
coords=polycoord(sides=4, radius=2, angle=45, cenx=7, ceny=7) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
hex=drawring.polygon( points=polycoord(sides=6, radius=1, cenx=2, ceny=3), fill="blue", id="hex") |
square=drawring.polygon(points=polycoord(sides=4, radius=3, cenx=10, ceny=10, angle=30), fill="yellow", id="square") |
pentagon=drawring.polygon(points=polycoord(sides=5, radius=7, cenx=15, ceny=15, angle=20), fill="none", stroke="black", stroke_width="0.2 ", id="pentagon") |
drawring.add(square) |
drawring.add(hex) |
drawring.add(pentagon) |
| |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
Cartesian coordinates for regular polygons: |
| |
Let's assume you want to draw an N-sided polygon of radius r, centred at (0,0). Then the n vertices are given by: |
x[n] = r * cos(2*pi*n/N) |
y[n] = r * sin(2*pi*n/N) |
where 0 <= n < N. Note that cos and sin here are working in radians, not degrees (this is pretty common in most programming languages). |
If you want a different centre, then just add the coordinates of the centre point to each (x[n], y[n]). If you want a different orientation, you just need to add a constant angle. So the general form is: |
x[n] = r * cos(2*pi*n/N + theta) + x_centre |
y[n] = r * sin(2*pi*n/N + theta) + y_centre |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
import svgwrite |
from svgwrite import cm,mm |
from math import cos,sin,pi |
''' |
| |
''' |
drawring = svgwrite.Drawing('test.svg', profile='tiny', size=('17cm', '13cm'), viewBox=('0 0 17 13')) |
''' You need size and viewBox. Why I don't know, also formatting is insane''' |
x=[] |
y=[] |
N=6 |
r=2 |
print(cm) |
for n in range(N): |
x.append( (r * cos(2*pi*n/N)+7) ) |
y.append( (r * sin(2*pi*n/N)+7) ) |
z=list(zip(x,y)) |
def polycoord(sides,radius,cenx=0,ceny=0,unit='cm'): |
x=[] |
y=[] |
for n in range(sides): |
x.append( str((r *cos(2*pi*n/sides)+(sides+1))) + cenx) |
y.append( str((r *sin(2*pi*n/sides)+(sides+1))) + ceny) |
z=list(zip(x,y)) |
return z |
''' |
print(x,y) |
print(z) |
point=list(zip([xp*cm for xp in x],[yp*cm for yp in y])) |
print(point) |
''' |
hex=drawring.polygon(points=z, stroke='green',fill='yellow', id='hex1',stroke_width='.1') |
''' |
hex=drawring.polygon(points=[(9,7),(8, 8.732050807568877),(6,8.732050807568879),(5, 7),(6, 5.267949192431123),(8, 5.267949192431123)] ,stroke='green',id='hex1',stroke_width=3) |
''' |
drawring.add(hex) |
| |
Reference in new issue